
The 5 Signs of Aging Eyelids and When to Get an Eyelid Lift

Blog: The 5 Signs of Aging Eyelids and When to Get an Eyelid Lift

Droopy lids, puffy eyes, and sagging skin are some age-related concerns that could affect your appearance. While you can treat some flaws topically, cosmetic surgery is the best solution for others. With so many products and treatments available to help eyelid issues, it may be hard to determine which ones are genuinely effective and which are a waste of your hard-earned money.

But when it comes to aging and the cosmetic concerns that follow, there are sure signs to look for when thinking about an eyelid lift. Here are five things related to eyelid changes that may tell you it is time for surgery.

1. Droopy Upper Lids

As part of the natural aging process, droopy upper eyelids may form, creating a tired, worn-out appearance. Over-the-counter creams can only do so much to resolve this issue. Blepharoplasty will literally lift the upper lids to open the area around the eyes to deliver an alert and youthful eye presence.

2. Puffy Eyelids

When eyes look puffy and swollen, the cause may be repositioned fat and tissue. Eyelid surgery can remove excess fat and skin to deliver smooth, even textures above and below the eyes.


3. Loose Skin

While there’s no way to tighten or shrink loose skin above or below the eyelids, an eyelid lift can make it a thing of your past. During blepharoplasty, a surgeon trims away extra skin above and below your lids, while simultaneously removing any fat that has developed. The incisions made at the lash lines hide them where they are nearly invisible.

4. Under-eye Bags

Under-eye bags result from a combination of fat pockets and loose skin that push through to the lower eyelids. As we age, muscles in the lower lids tend to grow weaker and store fat. These fat bulges create the problem of under-eye bags. Surgery can safely remove the lower eyelid skin and excess fat for exceptional results.

5. Under-eye Hollows

Voids that develop under your eyes as you age can appear as dark shadows in a particular light. For young patients with smooth, tight lower lids, dermal fillers may improve these hollows. Older patients can benefit from lower eyelid surgery combined with a facelift. Here, your surgeon repositions fat tissues to eliminate hollows and voids.

Learn More About Eyelid Surgery

If you would like to learn more about blepharoplasty, contact Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery at (860) 676-2473 or schedule a consultation online. Our stress-free, state-of-the-art office is in Farmington, CT, convenient to Hartford and its adjacent communities.