How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are a popular way to address a variety of skincare concerns. Treatment can reduce stubborn acne scars, address issues related to pigmentation, or fill in uneven spots on the face.

While laser treatments are able to produce dramatic skincare results, aftercare can be a challenging affair, especially if skin layers are removed. This can lead to some swelling, redness, and pain that may be tough to manage.

Other, non-ablative laser treatments work under the skin, which leads to a shorter and easier recovery.

Regardless of the laser treatment type, understanding how to properly take care of your skin is an effective recovery plan that can minimize pain, and ensure your skin benefits from the procedure.

Keep reading to understand the immediate side effects of laser treatments and the steps you can take to make sure skin heals properly.

Blog: How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Treatments

Right After Treatment: Mitigate Swelling and Redness

The downtime after laser treatment usually depends on the type of procedure and how far the light goes into the skin. Most people will experience some redness, swelling, or stinging on the face.

An ice pack or cool wet cloth can be applied on the skin to relieve these side effects. An over-the-counter pain reliever can be useful to reduce swelling and alleviate more severe pain.

Applying Moisturizer And Washing The Face  

It is important to carefully wash and dry your face each morning and night for several days. Water should be lukewarm or cold and you should carefully blot your face dry. The goal for washing is to remove any dead skin and ensure your body’s natural oils are not harshly scrubbed off.

Your body will secrete oil that will often look yellow to heal treated areas. Washing and drying should only remove severe crusting and not cause any bleeding from the skin. Bleeding skin means you are scrubbing too hard and risk prolonging the healing process.

Proper skincare also includes the application of moisturizer, like Vaseline, or another approved product, for several days. This speeds up the healing process and prevents the appearance of scabs. Using a gentle cleanser in the shower aids with recovery by helping remove excess moisturizer. The overall goal of moisturization is to keep the skin hydrated while healing.

Using Sunscreen To Keep The Skin Protected

As the skin begins to heal, applying sunscreen becomes vitally important to protect sensitive areas. Sunscreen should not be applied in the first week after treatment. People should stay indoors and cover their face with a hat or scarf if they do have to venture outside.

Even if the skin feels fine, regular application of sunscreen is needed because your body will still be sensitive to UV radiation. Rays can still impact skin on a cloudy day, so a generous amount of good sunscreen is needed several times a day for up to a month after treatment to ensure proper healing.

The need for sunscreen becomes more important if follow-up laser treatments are necessary. Any plans to visit a tanning bed should be put on hold for several months after your last treatment.

Maintenance For The Long-Term: Practicing Good Skincare Habits  

The effects of laser resurfacing can pay big dividends for the future if you practice good skin care habits. Wearing sunscreen and avoiding tanning beds can help prevent wrinkles from returning to a recently resurfaced face.

Continuing to moisturize after full recovery is a prudent step to keep treated skin healthy and hydrated. Moisturizer will help boost skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of finer lines.

Other lifestyle changes, like incorporating more Vitamin C into a diet, sleeping properly, and exercising regularly, can help boost production of collagen in the body. Collagen keeps your face looking youthful and will make the results of laser resurfacing last longer.

Your Consultation With Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic laser treatment is a popular and effective way to handle a wide variety of skincare concerns by addressing issues related to texture, tone, and pigmentation. Scheduling a non-ablative laser treatment with Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery gives you the opportunity to enjoy skin rejuvenation in a minimally invasive manner.

Our team works closely with all patients during the recovery process to give advice about how to best minimize pain and discomfort while ensuring proper healing.

Speak with us today so we can help address your skin concerns.

Contact us today or call 860-676-2473

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